Monday, September 14, 2009


So I have a rough draft.... I think... for the final part of my first project. I took my teachers suggestion and took a photo of my computer and traced it. It seemed to work and add depth and a little more interest. Also it looks like I spent more time this time, cause I did. I also changed my faces, not so sure how I feel about them but we will see. So... something interesting that happened to me while I was doing this... my neighbor William came over to borrow something and casually said, "there is a bird in your house." WHAT? So I look up and sure enough there is a bird INSIDE perched on the window. I have no idea how I did not notice it cause I was literally facing it but anyway we scooted it outside, chit chatted with it for a little while, and then it went on its way. It was weird though how long he just stayed there and let us point out his cuteness almost touching his feathers and he didn't even flinch. We think he just wanted to stay and play. Regarding how weird this looks... for some reason the blog makes it weird colors and such even though it is a jpeg. Oh and yes by the way, the on icon that has the computer making the load noises is dedicated to my great friend Bre Dizzle and her computer Lucifer... without them this icon would not exist!

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